Senior Scientific Officer Grade-I: 1 post
Qualification: Master’s Degree in Chemistry or Degree in Petroleum Engineering/Petroleum Technology/Chemical Engineering/Chemical Technology from a recognized University or equivalent.
Assistant Directors (Systems):14 posts
(i) Master’s Degree in Computer Application/Computer Science or Master of Technology (M.Tech.)(with specialization in Computer Application) or Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.)/ Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech.) in Computer Engineering/Computer Science/Computer Technology of a recognized University or equivalent.
(ii) Two years experience of electronic data processing including experience of actual programming; OR
B. i) Degree in Computer Applications/Computer Science or Degree in Electronics/Electronics and Communication Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
ii) Three years experience of electronic data processing work out of which at least on years’ experience should be in actual computer programming; OR
C. i) Master’s Degree of a recognized University or equivalent or Degree in Engineering of a recognized University or equivalent. ii) Four years experience of electronic data processing out of which at least two years’ experience should be in actual computer programming; OR
D. i) ‘A’ Level Diploma under DOEACC (Department of Electronics Accreditation of Computer Courses) Programme or Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application offered under University Programme/Post-Polytechnic Diploma in Computer Applications awarded by State Council of Technical Education or equivalent.
ii) Four years experience of electronic data processing work out of which at least two years’ experience should be in actual programming;
Assistant Research Officer (Ore-Dressing):1 post
Qualification: Degree in Mining Engineering or Chemical Engineering or Chemical Technology or Metallurgy from a recognized University or Institution or its equivalent. OR Master`s Degree in Geology or Ore Dressing or Chemistry or Physics from a recognized University or Institution or its equivalent;
Specialists Grade-III(General Medicine): 14 posts
Qualification: i) A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/ Diploma in the concerned Speciality i.e,M.D(Medicine)/M.D.(General Medicine)or equivalent.
Specialist Grade-III (Psychiatry): 6 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, M.D(Psychiatry)/M.D.(Psychological Medicine (one year course)/M.D.in Medicine with diploma in Psychological Medicine/Diploma in Psychiatry(Edin) of two years’ course/Diploma in Psychiatry (Mc.Gill) University, Montreal, Canada of two years’ course/D.P.M. or equivalent
Specialists Grade-III(General Surgery):13 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned speciality i.e, M.S(Surgery)/M.S.(General Surgery) or equivalent.
Specialists Grade-III(Orthopaedics): 12 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, M.S(Ortho)/D.(Ortho) or equivalent.
Specialists Grade-III (Paediatrics): 18 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned Speciality i.e, M.D(Paediatrics)/Diploma(Paediatrics)/D.C.H. or equivalent.
Specialists Grade-III (Obstetrics & Gynaecology: 30 posts
Qualification: i) A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/ Diploma in the concerned Specialty i.e,M.D(Medicine)/M.D.(General Medicine)or equivalent.
ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, M.D(Obstetrics & Gynaecology )/ M.S.( Obstetrics & Gynaecology)/DGO or equivalent.
Specialists Grade-III (Ophthalmology): 9 posts
Qualification: i) A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/ Diploma in the concerned Specialty i.e,M.D(Medicine)/M.D.(General Medicine)or equivalent.
ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned Speciality i.e, M.S(Ophthalmology)/MD.( Ophthalmology)/D.O/D.O.M.S. or equivalent.
Specialists Grade-III (ENT): 7 posts
Qualification: i) A recognized MBBS Qualification included in the First or the Second Schedule or Part II of the Third Schedule (Other than licentiate qualifications) to the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. Holders of Educational Qualifications included in Part II of the Third Schedule should also fulfil the conditions stipulated in Sub-section(3) of Section (13) of the Indian Medical Council Act, 1956. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/ Diploma in the concerned Specialty i.e,M.D(Medicine)/M.D.(General Medicine)or equivalent.
ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, M.S( Oto-Rhino- Laryngology)/DIO/D.O.R.L. or equivalent.
Specialists Grade-III (Pathology): 10 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, M.D(Pathology)/Ph.D.( Pathology)/D.Sc.( Pathology)/DCP/DPB or equivalent
Specialists Grade-III ( Anaesthesia):66 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post- Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, M.D (Anaesthesiology)/M.S.(Anaesthesiology )/D.A. or equivalent. 14) Specialists Grade-III (Gastroenterology): 1 post Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above.
ii) Post-Graduate Degree in the concerned Super-speciality i.e, D.M.(Medical Gastroenterology)/D.M.(Gastroenterology )/M.D.(Medicine) or M.D.(Peadiatrics) with two years special training in Gastroenterology or equivalent.
Specialist Grade-III (Micro-biology): 11 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above. ii) Post- Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, MD(Bacteriology)/M.D.(Microbiology)/ MBBS with M.Sc.(Med.) Bacteriology/M.Sc.(Med.)Microbiology/Ph.D.(Med. Bacteriology)/M.Sc. .(Med. Bacteriology) with D.Sc. (Med. Bacteriology)/M.Sc.(Med.Microbiology) with Ph.D.(Med.Microbiology)/M.Sc. (Med. Microbiology) with D.Sc.(Med.Microbiology)/D.(Bact.)/DPB or equivalent.
Specialist Grade-III (Radio-Diagnosis):26 posts
Qualification: i) Same as in Item No.4 above.
ii) Post-Graduate Degree/Diploma in the concerned speciality i.e, MD(Radio- Diagnosis)/M.D.(Radiology)/M.S.(Radiology)/D.M.R.D.or equivalent Diploma of one year duration or equivalent.
Last date: 13-10-2011 ( 20-10-2011 For candidates from far flung areas )
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