Information Technology is an important tool for development of different areas of knowledge economy. India is emerging as a global player in the field of Information Technology. There has been a steady rise of software and IT sector in India since 1990’s. As the IT industry is expanding rapidly, manpower requirement is growing exponentially. In order to develop manpower for different areas of the knowledge economy, education and training of information technology is a core prerequisite. The Central Government has established four IIITs at Allahabad, Gwalior, Jabalpur and Kanchipuram. These institutions are meant provide undergraduate as well as postgraduate education. The IIIT at Gwalior is for IT in Management. The IIITs at Jabalpur and Kanchipuram are for IT in Design as well as Manufacturing. In addition, the Eleventh Five Year Plan envisages the establishment of twenty more IIITs in the country as far as possible, in the Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode.
Admissions into undergraduate programmes in IIITs are through the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE).
Admissions into undergraduate programmes in IIITs are through the All India Engineering Entrance Examination (AIEEE).
· Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad.
o The Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad was established in 1999 and got conferred Deemed-to-be-University Status in 2000. The Institute has Undergraduate Programmes (B. Tech in Information Technology and Electronics & Communication), Postgraduate programmes (M. Tech in Bio-informatics, Intelligent Systems, Wireless Communication & Computing and Software Engineering, Human Computer Interaction, Robotics and Microelectronics), MBA (IT), Master of Science in Cyber Law and Information Security, MS (CLIS) and Ph.D. programmes in cutting edge areas.
o In addition to the teaching, research and research activities in focused areas, the Institute has 13 projects in various fields. Two Patents have been granted and more software copyrights were also filed.
o The IIIT, Allahabad has an Extension Campus at Amethi. The B.Tech (IT) Course and B.Tech (EC) Courses have already been started from July 2005.
For details click here (www.iiita.ac.in)
For details click here (www.iiita.ac.in)
· Atal Bihari Vajpayee – Indian Institute of Information Technology (ABV- IIITM), Gwalior.
o Atal Bihari Vajpayee- Indian Institute of Information Technology (ABV-IIITM), Gwalior, a Deemed University, is an apex Information Technology and Management Institute established by the Government of India in January, 1996. The Institute has a well-defined campus on 160 acre of land on the foothills of the Gwalior Fort. The Institute has all basic facilities for all round development of students’ personality.
o The Institute has been contributing towards research and education, producing technology and business leaders. The educational programme of the Institute integrates management as a concept with technology as a platform to create a synergic approach for solving emerging industry problems.
o Presently, the Institute is having a five-year dual degree programme, MBA programmes and M. Tech programmes. The Institute also has a Ph. D. programme. The academic programmes are delivered through many pedagogic innovations, including peer learning, mentoring, case tools, group learning and co-operative learning.
For details click here (www.iiitm.ac.in)
For details click here (www.iiitm.ac.in)
· Pandit Dwarka Prasad Mishra Indian Institute of Information, Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM), Jabalpur.
o Due to globalization and opening up of Indian economy, our manufacturing sector has to compete globally even for the domestic market. This requires strong products with leading technology/quality and compelling cost advantage. India has huge and diverse trained manpower. The need for developing a new academic programme exists therefore to integrate the knowledge of a given discipline with design as well as manufacturing considerations. In order to meet these requirements, the Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing at Jabalpur was established in 2005. The Institute is envisioned as an academic institution of excellence that facilitates and promotes the competitive advantage of Indian products and manufacturing in global markets. The Institute serves as an inter-disciplinary institution for education and research in the area of product life cycle management, encompassing design and manufacturing using state of the art concepts, tools, processes and practices of the industry world over. It would meet the requirement in different sectors like automobile, aerospace and defense, industrial machinery, engineering services, high-tech electronics, consumer durables etc.
o The Institute offers B.Tech. M.Tech, M.Des, and Ph.D. Programmes in the disciplines of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE), Design, Electronics and Communications Engineering (ECE), and Mechanical Engineering (ME).
· Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing (IIITD & M), Kanchipuram
o The Government of India has entrusted Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IITM) with the responsibility of setting up of IIITD&M Kanchipuram. The academic session of IIITD&M has commenced from August, 2007 at the IIITM Campus with the support of staff and faculty members of the IITM until new campus is set up on the land identified by the Government of Tamil Nadu for setting up of the Campus. IIITD&M Kanchipuram offers 4 year B.Tech. (Design & Manufacturing) programme, which is designed for the future needs of engineering industries. This branch is unique and offered first time in India and in the world itself.
For details click here (www.iiitdm.iitm.ac.in)
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