The National Handicapped Finance and Development Corporation (NHFDC) set up by Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment in Jan 1997 grant funds to persons with disabilities through the State Channelising Agencies (SCAs) nominated by the state govt.(s)
Scholarship schemes:
1. Trust Fund
Number of scholarships: 1000
For whom: Students covered under Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunity, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995 and the National Trust for the Welfare of Persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disabilities Act, 1999.
Course of study: Degree and Post Graduate level professional and technical courses from recognized institutions in India.
Eligibility: Monthly income of the beneficiary/ parent should be Rs. 25, 000 (Rs. 3 Lakh p.a) or less from all sources/ should be an Indian
Amount for maintenance:
Professional Graduate Courses: Rs. 2500 p.m (for 10 months)
Professional PG Courses: Rs. 3000 p.m
Amount for Books & stationery:
Professional Graduate Courses: Rs. 6,000 p.a
Professional PG Courses: Rs. 10,000 p.a
Visual and hearing differently-abled students will be financed for purchase of aids and appliances (once during lifetime).
Disbursement of scholarship: On quarterly basis for applications received in preceding quarter. Advance copy of application to be submitted online.
Reimbursement: The Non-Refundable fees at Govt/ Govt-aided.
Last date: Any time during academic year
2. National Fund
Number of scholarships: 500
For whom: Students with at least 40% disabilities certified as per definition under Persons with Disabilities Act 1995.
Course of study: Higher academic/ professional or technical qualification.
Eligibility: Monthly income of the beneficiary/ parent should be Rs. 15, 000 (Rs. 1.80 Lakh p.a) or less from all sources.
Professional courses at grad level or above: Rs. 1000 p.m for hostellers/ Rs. 700 p.m for day scholars
Diploma/ Certificate level professional courses: Rs. 700 for hostellers/ Rs. 400 p.m for day scholars
Financial assistance for computer with editing software for blind/ deaf grad and PG students pursuing professional courses/ support access software for cerebral palsy students
Disbursement of Scholarship: Once in an academic year.
Reimbursement: Up to ceiling of Rs. 10, 000 per year
Last date: September 30, 2011
How to apply: Applications with requisite documents countersigned & recommended by the Head of the Institution where the applicant is studying should reach to the below address.
Website: www.nhfdc.nic.in/
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