3 May 2011

Indian Institute of Petroleum: Ph D Programme

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Applications are invited from candidates who are holding M.Sc. degree or equivalent in Chemistry and have qualified in CSIR/UGC-NET under CSIR/UGC fellowship scheme.

Selection for admission to the Ph.D. programme will be done on the basis of an interview to he held at IIP in broad discipline of Chemical Sciences.

The selected JRFs will be eligible for a stipend and House Rent Allowance (HRA) as admissible under rules and a Contingency grant. On completion of two years, JRFs could be upgraded to Senior Research Fellowship (SRF) on assessment. The total tenure including the fellowship period shall not exceed 5 years.

The candidate should have qualified the NET examination held in June 2010 & December, 2010 under CSIR/UGC category or should have valid award letter under the above.

Application procedure and interview schedule:
Candidates who fulfill the above requirements may kindly send their applications in the prescribed proforma addressed to Dr A . K Jain, Scientist & head IIH, Indian Institute of Petroleum, Haridwar Road, Dehradun-248005 along with copies of testimonials in support of educational qualifications and CSIR/UGC-NET award letter issued by CSIR/UGC duly superscribed “Application for Ph.D. Programme”. The proforma may be downloaded from www.iip.res.in

Last date for receipt of application is Wednesday, May 18th , 2011.
The interviews will be held on 19/05/2011 at IIP in the Conference Room. Please report at 9.00 a.m.

For more details click here


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